Women's Basketball

The Cal Lutheran Regals Women’s Basketball Program just wrapped up the season with a SCIAC regular season Championship and a 19-7 overall record. In addition, We travelled to Texas to play two of the top teams in NCAA, which was an exciting time for us. Our success is a tribute to the competitive greatness and the support we received throughout the season. Hard work, intensity, and commitment will always be the most important keys to victory, both on the court and in the classroom. You can have an impact on our success, too!


With your support, Women’s Basketball will be able to expand travel opportunities to play a more competitive schedule; grow recruiting areas; and upgrade with new and innovative equipment, along with enhancing our locker room. These improvements will give our student-athletes an unforgettable experience, build trust, teamwork, and provide a unique experience for the student athletes.  

We are excited to continue to build the culture of competitiveness, tradition, and community that are central to Cal Lutheran Athletics. You can have a true impact on our success while we continue to shape champions.

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